My name is Paola Ramos and I am currently a full time student-athlete at Bryant Stratton college. I Attended SportsChallenge in 2006 and 2008. My experience at SportsChallenge was amazing. YOU GUYS ROCK!! You guys helped me find the voice I was searching for all through my soccer career. I can't thank you guys enough for realizing my potential and creating an environment that pushed me when I needed to be pushed, challenged me every single day to constantly improve, nurtured me when you saw that I needed it, and molded me not only into the player that I am today, but also into the person that I am today.
The staff does not consist of coaches but it consists of wonderful friends. When looking back at the days I spent at SportsChallenge and when looking back at the values and memories that I have, so many of these lessons I learned are from camp. I'm talking about values and memories that are involved in words like "friendship," "hardwork," "sacrifice," "compassion," "dignity," "love," "respect," and "perseverance." I learned to always maintain humility in victory’s and defeat’s. I learned that we all can make a difference, that having a voice is one thing and using it is another. All the lessons I have learned from SportsChallenge I use in my everyday life. There isn't one day on and off the field that I don’t use the mistake ritual and “brush it off”.
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